Thursday, 17 December 2009

The strange life I lead

Ayelen and i have just returned from a girls trip to the UK. We enjoyed each other's easy company so much and did lots of fun stuff together. She is on a high now the eleven plus is over - she looked so small trotting off with the admissions officer to take the 5 hours of tests spread over 2 mornings, but she did her stuff and now we wait till March to know the result...

I did that bizarre mix of unconnected but vital things that ex pats often do in their home county visits -all at break neck speed according to list made on the flight over - bought Christmas crackers, parsnips(!) and puddings and other paraphernalia, drank mulled wine and listened to carols and marimba music in our towns late night Christmas market, picked up my mother's ashes and a document to say i can take them out of the country to sit on our hall table in Istanbul, swore an oath on the bible in the Crown court to prove I am my mother's daughter, took my own daughter to take tests for the next step in her life, had my hair cut, visited our new tenants in the farm house who are eighties pop stars and have turned our living room into a song writing and sound studio (Johnny Hates Jazz - hit single ' Shattered Dreams') . looked at the drainage situation in the orchard and walked with friends in the Devon countryside. Is there such a thing as normal life? Who lives one?

1 comment:

Jennifer Barnes Eliot said...

Oh my god! Next thing you'll be partying hard with Tears for Fears! How funny. And absurd. Of course, 80s pop stars have to live somewhere, don't they? Or are they just renting it to record in? So glad Ayelen is done - I'm sure she's done a fantastic job. Are you feeling like the clock is ticking and time is running out? Would love to have a long chat when you have time. XO